RT Book T1 Examen de las indulgencias que legitimamente gozan las religiones y cofradias, segun las mas moderna decisiones y decretos de los romanos pontifices A1 Sánchez, Francisco A1 García Infanzón, Juan T1 IB T1 Wilkinson, Alexander S., Iberian Books (Leiden: Brill, 2010), Vol 1. (pre-1601), Vols 2 and 3 (1601-1650) with Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo (Leiden: Brill, 2015), and 1651-1700 with Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo and Alba de la Cruz (Published Online Only) T1 USTC T1 Universal Short Title Catalogue (University of St Andrews) T1 Iberian Books PP Madrid NO Madrid, por Juan García Infanzón, 1680. NO Citation confidence: An exemplar has been cited in an established listing bibliography (such as Palau), or more than one copy is known to survive in more than one collection. NO Citation/reference: IB: 126319 AN uri:info:fedora/iberian:123136 LK https://iberian.ucd.ie/?getObject=iberian:123136 SL UCD Library, University College Dublin LL Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland