RT Book T1 Retractationes de los errores et falsedades que escrivio Gonçalo Martinez de Biscargui en su arte de canto llano A1 Espinosa, Juan de T1 Martín Abad, Post-Incunables T1 Martín Abad, Julián, Post-Incunables Ibéricos (Madrid: Ollero y Ramos Editores, 2001) T1 Norton T1 Norton, F.J., A descriptive catalogue of printing in Spain and Portugal, 1501-1520 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978) T1 Pérez Pastor, Toledo T1 Pérez Pastor, Cristóbal, La imprenta en Toledo: Descripción bibliográfica de las obras impresas en la imperial ciudad desde 1483 hasta nuestros días (Madrid: Manuel Tello, 1887) T1 IB T1 Wilkinson, Alexander S., Iberian Books (Leiden: Brill, 2010), Vol 1. (pre-1601), Vols 2 and 3 (1601-1650) with Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo (Leiden: Brill, 2015), and 1651-1700 with Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo and Alba de la Cruz (Published Online Only) T1 Philobiblon T1 http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/philobiblon/ T1 USTC T1 Universal Short Title Catalogue (University of St Andrews) T1 Iberian Books PP Toledo NO Toledo, s.n., 1514. NO Citation confidence: The work may be genuine, but there is a heightened possibility that this work could be a bibliographical ghost. An exemplar may survive in only a single copy, or there may be no known surviving copy. NO Citation/reference: IB: 8497 AN uri:info:fedora/iberian:15816 LK https://iberian.ucd.ie/?getObject=iberian:15816 SL UCD Library, University College Dublin LL Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland