RT Book T1 Metafora en metros, que fizo quiros al señor Juan Fernandez Deredia siendo servidor de la señora Geronima Benyta estando elle en un lugar que se llama alaçar A1 Quirós A1 [Villaquirán, Juan de] T1 Martín Abad, Post-Incunables T1 Martín Abad, Julián, Post-Incunables Ibéricos (Madrid: Ollero y Ramos Editores, 2001) T1 Norton T1 Norton, F.J., A descriptive catalogue of printing in Spain and Portugal, 1501-1520 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978) T1 Rodríguez-Moñino, Pliegos Sueltos T1 Rodríguez-Moñino, Antonio, Nuevo diccionario bibliográfico de Pliegos Sueltos Poéticos (Siglo XVI), ed. Arthur L.-F. Askins y Víctor Infantes, *** T1 IB T1 Wilkinson, Alexander S., Iberian Books (Leiden: Brill, 2010), Vol 1. (pre-1601), Vols 2 and 3 (1601-1650) with Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo (Leiden: Brill, 2015), and 1651-1700 with Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo and Alba de la Cruz (Published Online Only) T1 USTC T1 Universal Short Title Catalogue (University of St Andrews) T1 Iberian Books PP Toledo NO [Toledo, Juan de Villaquirán, circa 1515]. NO Citation confidence: An exemplar has been referenced in a major analytical bibliography, or inspected book in hand, by a member of the Iberian Books project team or a collaborating institution. NO Citation/reference: IB: 15491 AN uri:info:fedora/iberian:16093 LK https://iberian.ucd.ie/?getObject=iberian:16093 SL UCD Library, University College Dublin LL Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland